Mercy Aigbe’s elder wife, Funsho Adeoti, has turned to social media to publicly criticize the actress and her husband, Adekaz Funsho was enraged after Mercy released another video of herself in her home after issuing a social media warning. Adekaz’s first wife then went on to trash Mercy and their man by sharing sloppy marriage receipts.
After appearing to be pushed, Mercy Aigbe’s husband, Adekaz’s first wife, Funsho Adeoti, has now shared nasty details about their marriage online. It all seemed to start after Mercy, despite her warnings, broadcast another video of herself at the house Funsho claimed to have built with Kazim.
Following Mercy’s video showing herself in the house, Funsho took to Instagram to attack the actress while also revealing some previously unknown truths about the marriage.
Funsho then spoke about Mercy’s bravery. The actress, who is a mother of three, claims that she is not a bast*ard and that she may do whatever she wants with her husband, but she will never abandon her sweat and her hard work. Mercy has continued to flaunt what she worked hard for on a daily basis, thinking she would be alright with it, according to Kazim’s first wife. Funsho then told their husband to control his ‘hound,’ vowing to reclaim what is rightfully hers.